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Approaches on whether AI should have consciousness. PART II

After discussing phenomenal consciousness, we continue exploring the possibility of an AI having consciousness. In this second part, we will try to understand one of the most complex problems in relation to understanding the human mind — the mind-body problem.

The mind-body problem is one of the fundamental issues in philosophy of mind and concerns the question of how the mind (thoughts, feelings, consciousness, etc.) and the body (brain, nervous system, etc.) are related to each other. The fundamental question is how these two distinct entities, the mind and the body, can interact with each other.

In general terms, the mind-body problem arises because there appears to be a fundamental difference between the mind and the body: the mind is conscious and has subjective experiences, while the body is a physical object that can be studied and understood through physical science. Therefore, the question is how these two distinct entities can interact with each other.

There are several theories that attempt to explain the relationship between the mind and the body, such as dualism, which holds that the mind and body are two separate and distinct entities that interact with each other, materialism, which holds that the mind is the result of physical activity in the brain and is therefore not a separate entity, and idealism, which holds that reality is fundamentally mental and the body is an illusion. This is a complex topic and still a subject of debate in philosophy of mind.

To better understand the mind-body problem, it is useful to consider some examples. Let us imagine a person seeing a red apple. The visual information of the apple is processed by the eyes and the brain, which allows the person to recognize that they are seeing a red apple. But in addition to that, the person has a subjective experience of seeing the red apple. This subjective experience is what is known as phenomenal consciousness.

The mind-body problem arises when attempting to explain how this subjective experience arises from physical processes in the brain. How does the electrical and chemical activity in the neurons of the brain give rise to the subjective experience of seeing a red apple? Is the mind something separate from the body, or is it simply an emergent property of the brain? These are some of the questions that the mind-body problem seeks to answer.

Another useful example to understand the mind-body problem is that of a person listening to music. When a person listens to music, the auditory information is processed by the ears and the brain, which allows the person to recognize the music they are hearing. But in addition to that, the person has a subjective experience of listening to the music. This subjective experience is what is known as phenomenal consciousness.

The mind-body problem arises when attempting to explain how this subjective experience arises from physical processes in the brain. How does the electrical and chemical activity in the neurons of the brain give rise to the subjective experience of listening to music? Is the mind something separate from the body, or is it simply an emergent property of the brain?

One possible answer is dualism, which holds that the mind and the body are two different and separate things that interact in some way. In this approach, the experience of the person is not something that can be explained solely in physical terms, but requires additional mental explanation.

“I want to emphasize that with this work, I am not trying to appear spiritual. My intention is to address how humans have attempted to understand the nature of our consciousness for hundreds of years. This is a necessary exercise if we want to consider the possibility of artificial intelligence having consciousness. In my opinion, the most powerful AIs currently available are complex systems with significant computational and machine learning capabilities. However, they ultimately respond and provide answers based on the most probable outcome according to Bayesian systems.”

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