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Mostrando entradas de octubre, 2023

Approaches on whether AI should have consciousness. PART II

After discussing phenomenal consciousness, we continue exploring the possibility of an AI having consciousness. In this second part, we will try to understand one of the most complex problems in relation to understanding the human mind — the mind-body problem. The mind-body problem is one of the fundamental issues in philosophy of mind and concerns the question of how the mind (thoughts, feelings, consciousness, etc.) and the body (brain, nervous system, etc.) are related to each other. The fundamental question is how these two distinct entities, the mind and the body, can interact with each other. In general terms, the mind-body problem arises because there appears to be a fundamental difference between the mind and the body: the mind is conscious and has subjective experiences, while the body is a physical object that can be studied and understood through physical science. Therefore, the question is how these two distinct entities can interact with each other. There are several theor

Desafiando Mr.Wood: La Inteligencia Artificial no es una moda pasajera

Lo siento, pero no me he podido aguantar de escribir esto, después de leer las declaraciones que, con las que recientemente, Ben Wood, analista jefe de CCS Insight, ha capturado la atención de la comunidad tecnológica sugiriendo una posible caída en el interés por la inteligencia artificial (IA) en 2024. Estas afirmaciones, aunque provocadoras, deben ser analizadas con un enfoque crítico y contextual.  También he de decir que corro el riesgo de que estas declaraciones no sean creíbles al 100% porque la verdad es que no he encontrado muchas noticias al respecto y me extraña. Además, el sistema de detección de FakeNews de GenerAIve le ha otorgado una puntuación de 3 sobre 5, lo que quiere decir que, si bien existe una buena cantidad de cobertura mediática que respaldan las declaraciones de Ben Wood, existen variaciones en la forma en que se describe esto. La cobertura no es abrumadora, pero es lo suficientemente sustancial como para dar credibilidad a la predicción. Pero bien, en ningún

Approaches on whether AI should have consciousness. PART I

Through this work, based on the research, notes, ideas, and projects that my team and I have undertaken, I aim to reveal the intricacies involved in creating an AI and integrating it into work, production, or service processes. The process of adoption extends well beyond simply connecting to an API that can solve a particular problem. Instead, this work emphasizes the need to comprehend how an AI should truly think by understanding the functioning of our brain and consciousness. Without delving into the theories that have been attempting to uncover the workings of our brain for millennia, it is impossible to assert that we are working on an AI project, let alone an AI project that is genuinely practical and, most importantly, ethical. It’s worth noting that this work is extensive, so I plan to release it in smaller parts. My hope is that these parts can prove useful to those who, beyond the computational aspect, need to understand why they should use AI-based technologies and how to ap