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Oscar Trabazos Claveria

I am Oscar Trabazos ClaverIA, a fervent technology enthusiast and a proud family member. My life balances between my love for technological advancements and the valuable moments I spend with my loved ones. Every day, I dive into the exciting world of Artificial Intelligence and Big Data, looking for ways these powerful tools can enrich and improve our lives, our communities, and our societies.

I see technology not just as a field of study or work, but as a gateway to a future full of possibilities and significant improvements in the way we live, work, and connect.


Throughout my career, I have developed and honed an advanced set of skills and knowledge in artificial intelligence, machine learning, software development, and Big Data analysis, with a specialized and profound application in the field of marketing. This multidisciplinary approach has made me a specialist in applied technologies to marketing, where I have used my unique ability to overcome challenges and solve problems from innovative perspectives. By constantly applying a questioning method similar to how a Generative Adversarial Network (GANs) operates, I have been able to explore unconventional solutions that go beyond the obvious answers. This innate ability to innovate and think differently has been key in leading and contributing to cutting-edge projects, using emerging technologies to address complex problems and create significant value in a variety of sectors, including marketing. This combination of skills reflects my passion for technology and innovation, demonstrating my unwavering dedication to learning, professional excellence, and transforming marketing through technology.

Table of Technologies and Disciplines

Knowledge Level Skills
Disciplines Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Deep Learning, Cloud Computing, Machine Learning, Blockchain, Cyber Security, Software Programming and Development, Marketing
Technologies Generative AI, Generative Adversarial Networks (GANs), Variational Autoencoders (VAEs), Discriminative AI, Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs), Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) and LSTM, NLP, Transformers and BERT, Sentiment Analysis, Big Data, Techniques for analyzing and processing large volumes of data, Data Mining, Web Scraping, Blockchain, Smart Contracts, Decentralized Applications (dApps), Distributed RESTful
Softwares, Frameworks, and Platforms TensorFlow, PyTorch, Natural Language Toolkit (NLTK), spaCy, Apache Hadoop, Apache Spark, Elasticsearch, AWS, Google Cloud Console Platform, .NET, Microsoft Azure, Kubernetes, Python: Django, Flask, Java: Spring Framework, JavaScript: Node.js, React, Ethereum, Hyperledger Fabric, OpenSSL, OWASP ZAP, Astro JavaScript, ElasticSearch, Kibana, Grafana,
Programming Languages Python, JavaScript, PHP, SQL, HTML, PHP, Prolog, Java, R, Node, GO, Scala
Agile Methodologies Experience in implementing agile methodologies for rapid and efficient project development. Frequent use of tools such as Jira (Scrum) and Trello (Kanban) for task management and team collaboration.
Project Management Design and management of customized workflows for technology projects, using tools like GitHub and Bitbucket for version control and code review.
Team Leadership I have effectively led multidisciplinary teams of engineers in dynamic and high-pressure environments, specialized in various technology areas. My experience spans managing teams of varying sizes, from small groups of 3 to large teams of up to 47 members, adapting my leadership approach to the specific needs of the project and team dynamics. My ability to motivate, guide, and develop talent is key in creating innovative solutions and achieving set technological goals.
Process Innovation Creation and improvement of internal processes to maximize operational efficiency and the quality of software development and AI projects.
Stakeholder Management Experience in interacting and negotiating with stakeholders to ensure alignment with business objectives and project expectations.


Currently, as Co-Founder of TrawlingWeb, we lead the development of advanced technologies in AI and Big Data, focusing on transforming news content and social media into structured and actionable data. While at GenerAIve, also as Co-Founder and ideologist, we drive innovation in content creation with Generative AI, revolutionizing how companies and individuals generate and consume digital content. In earlier stages, I highlight my contribution at BrandRain, where we significantly impacted the media analytics sector, using AI to measure brand impact and reputation, revolutionizing the existing concept of Press Clipping at that time. At NAD (Not Alone Digitally), I played a key role in developing AI systems for detecting digital harassment, focusing on protecting minors and vulnerable individuals. My involvement in Informyzer and Municipis Digitals shows my ability to lead projects in social listening and digital transformation consulting. As a consultant at Priority Gate, I applied my knowledge in AI, Big Data, blockchain, and web3 to offer advanced technological solutions.


Throughout my career, I have had the opportunity to propose, create, and tackle the resolution of challenges and problems that arose during our research and development in AI and Big Data. Innovative projects that I have had the pride to lead and participate in, which have not only challenged my technical skills but also enriched my understanding of the potential impact of technology across various sectors. From the development of advanced AI systems to Big Data projects for massive content capture or opinion collection, including projects that have challenged the way national security was understood at the beginning of the technological era, each project has been a step towards realizing my vision of using technology to create positive change.

Project Table

Project Applied Technologies
Informyzer Tool DMP Visualization with DMP, trend analysis in social networks.
Disinformation and Fake News Impostor Technique, Discriminative and Adversarial AI, NLP, Deep Learning, Voice Recognition Models.
NG of Editorial Systems NLP, AI, Big Data, Cloud Computing, Development Frameworks (Spring, Lucene, Solr, Hadoop).
SAASPYME AI, NLP, Big Data, Machine Learning, Semantic Web.
PIAR "Civil and National Security" Cloud Computing, Data Mining, NLP, Big Data, Boosting Techniques.
Video-Reputation Machine Learning, Voice Recognition, Parsing and Semantic Web.
Erecomend Generative AI VAEs, NLP, Deep Learning, Neural Networks.
Audiovisual Categorization Semantic Technologies, Voice Recognition, Advanced Indexing.
AntiFraud in Editorial News Big Data, NLP, Public Cloud, AI, Entity Relationship, and Data Analysis.
Financial Solvency Big Data, NLP, Public Cloud, AI and Data Analysis.
SUBUTAI Big Data, NLP, AI and Machine Learning, ElasticSearch, Kibana, Grafana.
Offertazo TensorFlow, Data Scraping, commercial offer analysis.
Technology Transition and Plan Tourism offer improvement, fishing culture and gastronomy, Blau Space.
Next Generation "PST" Crowd monitoring and mobility, digital tourism management.
The Crowd Estates Real estate crowdfunding, Crawlers, scraping techniques.
BrandRain An SSAS for measuring brand reputation and impact for marketing and communication.
TrawlingWeb Advanced platform for media monitoring and real-time data analysis, using Big Data and AI techniques.

Knowledge and Certifications

Throughout my career, I have accumulated a wide range of knowledge and technical skills, backed by prestigious certifications and recognition from my peers. In the field of Artificial Intelligence, I have been recognized for my contributions both at TrawlingWeb and in other projects, with validations from colleagues and experience across multiple companies.

My skills in Natural Language Processing (NLP) and Big Data have been fundamental in my work, obtaining validations at TrawlingWeb and applying them in various projects. Data Mining and Web Scraping are other fields where I have excelled, using tools like TensorFlow to implement innovative solutions.

In the field of marketing, my capabilities have been validated in areas such as social media measurement, public relations, and marketing strategy, performing roles both at PriorityGate and other companies.

My certifications in Generative Artificial Intelligence, Programming Fundamentals, and Machine Learning reflect my constant commitment to updating and improving my skills, ensuring my knowledge is at the forefront of current technological trends.


Project Applied Technologies Link
Application of NLP Technologies and Semantic Technology A highlighted study in which I contributed, published in the "Natural Language Processing" journal. This article can be found in the SEPLN database: SEPLN
NLP Publications My work has also been cited in various publications, indicating the relevance of my research in the NLP field. These citations can be explored through Google Scholar Scholar


Certificate Summary
Foundations of generative artificial intelligence Certifies knowledge in Generative AI, including image, text, and code generation, with a study of its applications and challenges, ready to innovate.
Generative artificial intelligence: the evolution of intelligent search Certified in generative AI for reasoning engines, surpassing traditional search engines. Mastered strategies to optimize online searches, focusing on language and tone. Included interviews with experts and techniques to improve AI requests.
What is generative AI? Certified in generative AI, highlighting its revolutionary impact on sectors such as film, medical, automotive, marketing, and real estate. The course equipped with knowledge to lead and adapt to the innovations of generative AI in various professions.
Object-oriented design Certified in Object-Oriented Design (OOD), covering key concepts such as encapsulation, inheritance, and polymorphism. The course allowed me to develop advanced software design skills, starting from scratch and suitable for all levels.
Essential fundamentals of programming Certified in Object-Oriented Design (OOD), covering from fundamentals to advanced applications without requiring prior knowledge. I learned encapsulation, inheritance, polymorphism, and their practical application, expanding my skill in complex software development.
Machine Learning Certified in Machine Learning, covering its classification into supervised, unsupervised, and reinforcement. Acquired skills in applying algorithms such as decision trees and regression analysis, and learned to handle common challenges in working with large data sets.
Fourth industrial revolution: AI & ML Certified in AI and Machine Learning, focused on its impact on business competitiveness and innovation. The course also addressed ethical aspects and the risks associated with the use of intelligent algorithms.
TensorFlow Certified in the use of TensorFlow, Google's open-source platform for implementing machine learning models. Learned to analyze data, develop ML models, and integrate them with APIs and Keras.
Master International Business ESMA (ESERP) Master's degree in International Business from ESMA, focused on global trade strategies, international finance, and business management in a global context.
ADE ESMA (ESERP) Bachelor's degree in Business Administration from ESMA, covering knowledge in business management, economics, marketing, and finance, preparing me to lead and manage effectively in the business environment.

Me in the media

Contribution Links
Agenda and fresh news - Nov #SpainAI (View)
Analysis of public presence_ qualitative and quantitative measurement (View) | (Web)
Launch of a pioneering system in global reputation measurement (View) | (Web)
Application of NLP technologies (View) | (Web) | (Web) | (Web) | (Web) | (Web) | (Web)
How to use technology to sell more and better (View)
How to monitor our brand reputation - FHIOS (View) | (Web)
Building reputation as a pillar of our organization (View) | (Web)
Detecting irony, key to improving online reputation (View) | (Web)
Detecting irony, key for companies to improve reputation (View)
Oscar Trabazos CBM at imente (View) | (Web)
Jimcrick, the tool for detecting child harassment on social networks (View)
The pharmaceutical industry is going through a period of bad reputation (View) | (Web)
The new frontier of crowdfunding: the real estate sector (View) | (Web)
A tool is born to detect harassment of children on social networks (View) | (Web)
Brand reputation: How can we know what is said about us? (View) | (Web)
A company from Girona launches a pioneering system (View) | (Web)
Video Monitoring of news and opinions (View)

Media, Profiles, and Documents

Medium Links
GitHub (Git Profile)
Podcast AILife (AI life)
Linkedin (Profile)
Curriculum (ESP) (ESP CV)
Curriculum (ENG) (ENG CV)

Update Feb 2024


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